Social media marketing is a market of revolution. With the advance technology and more inclination of general public towards social media networks especially via smart phones, the marketers consider social media the best, easiest and cheapest way to reach their target audience. But with the expansion of social media in Pakistan, the idea of social media marketing is turning into a dilemma that its just the market of likes and shares.
There are various misconceptions which are prevailing without considering the pros and cons of such marketing. I have concluded following misconceptions with my experience so far.
1. Strategy of most of the social media experts is to get maximum likes on their post, blogs etc. while it's wrong.
2. Success is measured by quantity not quality for example twitter followers, likes on fan page etc etc.
3. Social media is facebook while its much more than just facebook.
4. Brand loyalty building is possible by having maximum followers and fans.
5. Social media marketing is like every other marketing medium.
It is essential to come out of these misconceptions and should review again what strategy will be a success for your company, instead of making your social media marketing just a market of quantity not quality.