Our forefathers were lucky enough as they were living with a concept that hard work could lead to one's dream destination. Their life roamed around simplicity, passion, effort and finally they achieved what they wanted. That means you don't need to be skillful , you just needed to be hard working, even if it meant starting from scratch. Wasn't that great?
You know what, today this concept is getting a little vague. By saying this I am not taking my belief off from the fruits of hard work, but I am apprising you about a change that is gradually encompassing our life and demands us to adjust accordingly. You might not realize, but the working norms are changing over.
Wait a minute! I don't want you to work that hard, this can definitely drive you crazy!
Today is the trend of smart thinking, followed by progressive approach and a little farsightedness.The next question that might pique you is how you can perform smartly in order to fit in with this new world order? Don't worry, you can still think hard and figure out smart ways for yourself.
Though many times I have been told to work smarter, not harder. So here I am sharing some fast tips that I am practicing. You will find them helpful, especially at your workplace.
1. Make List of Don'ts
We usually make list of do's while working, but believe me list of don'ts can be even more fruitful. Figure out the distracting factors and say "NO" to them.
2. Prioritize Your Tasks
Don't feel burdened with a lot of tasks. You need to give quality time to top priority tasks and have to manage your input accordingly.3. Ask Questions
Don't think that asking questions can make you look aloof. Sometimes the more questions you ask, the more smarter you appear. But be careful and make sure that your questions are worthy enough to be answered.4. Quest To Learn
How about if someone says you 'Stop being over-smart' and abruptly you give a logical argument based on your knowledge? Yes, knowledge is the base. You should develop a thirst to learn more, because with more knowledge you can perform better.
5. Make A Mistake
You are not supposed to make an intentional mistake, instead you should keep trying new methods. If you are failing once in a while it means you are trying hard enough.You can think, revise, improve, and can work better everyday. Keep your passion alive and overcome your fears to kick start with a new approach for your betterment.
I believe that these tips could maximize your outcome with little hard work. However just trust your efforts and keep your spirits high.
By the way how you are working smarter at your workplace? Share your story in the comments below.
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